Legal Action Resources

Legal Support

Most, if not all, of the listed firms listed are offering services to fight antisemitism on a pro bono or donor-funded basis.

I have loads of additional attorneys in my network who are ready to help. If those listed here aren’t the right fit, contact me and I’ll direct you.

Morality Clause

Template Morals provision to incorporate into employment/independent contractor agreements (remember to update defined terms as necessary):

  • Morals. [Employee/Contractor] understands that at all times during the term of this Agreement, [Employee/Contractor] shall conduct [himself/herself/itself] at all times with due regard to the public conventions and morals, and to refrain from any behavior that may be objectionable to Company. At all times during the term of this Agreement, [Employee/Contractor] [(inclusive of its employees, officers, directors, sub-contractors, assignees, associated parties and affiliates)] shall not: (i) behave in a manner objectionable to Company, nor commit an offense involving moral turpitude under Federal, state or local laws or ordinances; (ii) do or commit any act or thing that will injure, tarnish, damage, or otherwise negatively affect the reputation or goodwill associated with Company or bring itself into public hatred, public disrepute, contempt, scorn, or ridicule, or that will tend to shock, insult or offend the community or public morals or decency; or (iii) do, or refrain from doing anything that would prejudice Company, its employees, officers, directors, affiliates, subsidiaries, or parents. If at any time, in the opinion of Company, [Employee/Contractor] is determined by Company to have committed any act or done anything (whether intentionally or negligently) which might be considered in Company’s sole judgment to violate this clause, then Company may, upon written notice to [Employee/Contractor], immediately suspend or terminate this Agreement, in addition to any other rights and remedies that Company may have hereunder or at law or in equity.

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